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The Future of Artificial Intelligence

Discover how AI will impact your business in 5, 10 or 15 years

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See the future of AI — and your role in it

Over 9 hours of interactive sessions from Singularity and Industry experts to help you to:

the impact of AI on a wide range of industries
the frameworks you’ll need to identify opportunities — and risks
how advancements in AI will converge with other exponential technologies

We will see as much progress in the decade ahead as we have seen in the past century.

Ray Kurzweil, Co-founder Singularity

Hosted in the heart of Silicon Valley

The Future of AI will be held at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California, just down the street from Google headquarters.

In-person attendees will have special access to the Computer History Museum during the event.

Topics examined

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Meet your experts

Get to know a few of the 10+ experts who will be presenting at the event. More experts will be announced closer to the program.

See Agenda
Hod Lipson
Hod Lipson
Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Innovation, Transformation, Economies, Ethics
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Hod, an expert on AI and robotics, understands both the current and future potential of AI. His work on self-aware and self-replicating robots has captured the world's attention. He has co-authored over 300 papers that have been cited more than 27,000 times.

Alix Rübsaam
Alix Rübsaam
Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, Singularity Foundations
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Alix is a researcher in philosophy of technology and the Director of Curated and Research Content at Singularity. She investigates the societal and cultural impact of exponential technologies. Her current research centres around two large scale projects. The first focus is on the effects of automated decision-making algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, and algorithmic bias.

Shuo Chen
Shuo Chen
Exponential Thinking, Foundational Concepts, Innovation, Transformation, Distributed Ledger Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Leadership
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Shuo Chen is a General Partner at IOVC, where she focuses on early stage venture investments in Silicon Valley with a focus on future of work and enterprise/SaaS. She is also Faculty at UC Berkeley and Singularity University. Shuo is appointed by California Governor Gavin Newson to serve as 1 of 13 voting members on California's Mental Health Commission (as the first Asian American Commissioner), which includes overseeing ~$2.6 billion annually in state budget and advising the Governor or the Legislature on mental health policy.

Vivienne Ming
Vivienne Ming
Artificial Intelligence
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Dr. Vivienne Ming is a theoretical neuroscientist, entrepreneur, and author. She co-founded Socos Labs, her fifth company, an independent institute exploring the future of human potential

Ray Kurzweil
Ray Kurzweil
Singularity Foundations, Exponential Thinking
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Ray Kurzweil is a world class inventor, thinker, and futurist, with a thirty-five-year track record of accurate predictions. He has been a leading developer in artificial intelligence for 61 years – longer than any other living person. Called the “the restless genius” by The Wall Street Journal and “the ultimate thinking machine” by Forbes magazine, he was selected as one of the top entrepreneurs by Inc.magazine, which described him as the “rightful heir to Thomas Edison.” PBS selected him as one of the “sixteen revolutionaries who made America.”

Nell Watson
Nell Watson
Foundational Concepts, Ethics, Artificial Intelligence, Innovation, Transformatio
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Eleanor ‘Nell’ Watson, a pioneering ethics and machine intelligence researcher, has been a driving force behind some of the most crucial AI ethics standardization and certification initiatives from organizations such as the IEEE.

Jenny Wright
Jenny Wright
Artificial Intelligence, Purpose, Innovation, Transformation,Ethics, Communities
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Jenny Wright is not only a multifaceted expert but also the Director of Knowledge at Singularity, where she has spearheaded initiatives in thought leadership and creative strategy. Drawing from a rich background in library science, learning design, and visual art, Jenny has positioned herself at the forefront of Generative AI exploration across various domains, including a special focus on film and game design

Carlo Van de Weijer
Carlo Van de Weijer
Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Governance, Robotics, Transformation
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Carlo van de Weijer, a prominent figure in the automotive sector, boasts executive roles at Siemens and TomTom. With a master's degree in mechanical engineering from TU Eindhoven and a PhD from TU in Graz, his expertise bridges engineering and technology. Presently, Carlo directs the Eindhoven AI System Institute at Eindhoven University of Technology and serves as a Fellow for future mobility at the Deloitte Center for the Edge. He advises global ministries and industries on mobility's future and contributes insights through a weekly column in a leading Dutch newspaper, leaving a significant impact on technology and transportation discourse.

Aaron Frank
Aaron Frank
Distributed Ledger Technology, Mixed Reality, Fintech, Foundational Concepts, Exponential Thinking
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Aaron Frank is a researcher, writer, and consultant who has spent a decade working in Silicon Valley. As a writer, his articles have appeared in Vice, Wired UK, Forbes, and Venturebeat. He routinely advises large companies, startups, and government organizations on trends related to a broad set of emerging technologies, with a focus on augmented/virtual reality and virtual environments

DAY 01

Kick Off Day 1: Understanding the Current State of AI

Aaron Frank & Alix Rübsaam

Welcome to the Singularity Future of AI Program!

Introduction: Singularity, Exponentials, Impact, Through the Lens of AI

Aaron Frank & Alix Rübsaam

This session will provide a fundamental understanding of exponential growth and its profound implications across various technologies, including artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and advanced manufacturing. Participants will gain insight into how exponential growth is democratizing access to powerful tools, enabling small teams and individuals to achieve what was previously exclusive to governments and corporations. By understanding the patterns and implications of exponential growth, attendees will be better prepared to navigate and leverage the rapid changes transforming industries.

Artificial Intelligence: Where Are We Now?

Hod Lipson

It's no longer a far-off fantasy – AI is already woven into the fabric of our world. This session will cut through the hype and give you a clear understanding of what AI really is, its current capabilities and applications across industries, and where this technology is headed. You'll gain insights into the business opportunities, technical advancements, and ethical considerations that AI presents.

Leadership in the Age of AI: Potential, Pitfalls, and Power Moves

Kellie Nuttall

AI's potential is boundless. It can revolutionize industries, benefit customers, and advance society. But with promise comes responsibility – managing risks and ethical considerations. Learn to harness AI's power for strategic advantage, fostering innovation and redefining business models, while also learning to exercise vigilance and responsibility. This session promises to give participants a clear, jargon-free understanding of the power of this technology, fostering confidence to embrace disruption and boldly challenge the status quo in the age of AI.

Investing in AI: Past, Present, and Future

Shuo Chen

Investing your limited resources in the right AI efforts can mean the difference between success and failure over the coming years. This session equips you with frameworks and methodologies for evaluating AI investment opportunities. We'll pull back the curtain on how elite VCs and tech leaders approach AI investments. You'll gain hands-on practice applying their analytical mindsets and methodologies, and learn how to make smarter decisions on where to allocate funds, people, and efforts for AI initiatives that drive exponential growth.
DAY 02

Kick Off Day 2: Identifying AI Opportunities

Aaron Frank & Alix Rübsaam

Humanizing Artificial Intelligence: Ethics for an Exponential Age

Nell Watson

As AI races forward, it’s giving us astonishing new powers. But should we wield them all? This session confronts the ethical minefield we navigate daily - privacy, bias, accountability. Discover how to innovate safely, ensuring technology benefits individuals and society. We'll explore the ethical issues of transparency, bias, privacy, accountability, healthy epistemics, and responsible innovation. Then we'll outline how we can ensure that technology serves the greater good.

Application Deep Dive - AI’s Role in the 3D Revolution: Crafting Tomorrow's Reality with Spatial Computing and Simulated Environments

Aaron Frank

The convergence of AI and simulated 3D worlds has arrived. This session explores how companies are leveraging immersive digital environments, AI-generated content, and simulations to reshape training, design, manufacturing, and consumer experiences. You'll explore real-world applications like NVIDIA's Omniverse platform, gain insights into using simulated worlds to train AI systems, and understand the promise of reality capture technologies that build accurate virtual models of the physical world. Walk away with a clear understanding of the enterprise opportunities and ethical implications this powerful shift presents.

Beyond Imagination: Generative AI for Enterprise Innovation

Jenny Wright

Image-generating AI is revolutionizing enterprise innovation. This session explores Generative AI's practical applications beyond art, demonstrating how it can transform operations, product development, marketing, and problem-solving. Jenny Wright showcases real-world examples of using AI to convey complex ideas, prototype products, and create engaging visuals. Leave with a clear understanding of leveraging this game-changing technology for business growth and efficiency.

More Than an “Efficiency” Boost: Using AI to Make Better People

Vivienne Ming

AI has a profound ability not just to improve the way we work but to fundamentally enhance human capacity. This requires moving beyond using machine learning models simply as time saving substitutes for people and designing collaborative tools that cultivate essential qualities like perspective-taking, creativity, and resilience — tools that change us even after we've powered them down. This transformative implementation of AI doesn't settle for simply making our lives easier; it actively participates in shaping individuals and societies with heightened capabilities, greater self-awareness, and a deeper sense of purpose. Dr. Ming will share stories of her work ranging from LLMs designed to generate “productive friction” to ground-breaking causal models capable of predicting postpartum depression to a “match-maker” AI that dynamically connects people in a social network to maximize collective intelligence and innovation. In every case, the goal is to move far beyond artificial intelligence and into a future of augmented intelligence.
DAY 03

Kick Off Day 3: Planning Beyond the Horizon

Aaron Frank & Alix Rübsaam

Application Deep Dive - AI and the (Overlooked) Future of Work

Muriel Clauson

In the thrilling realm of exponential technologies and what they make possible, a pressing question looms large: What's the future of work? This session will provide an alternative view on the widely shared notion that AI-led job disruption is all doom and gloom. We will explore the macro trends impacting the workforce globally, review some current examples of automation's impact on workers, and imagine a better future of work that we can build with the help of exponential technologies.

Artificial and Genuine Intelligence: How Future Organizations Evolve

Dr. Carlo van de Weijer

AI is rapidly transforming the workplace. Carlo van de Weijer, with extensive experience managing and advising organizations from student teams to corporations, unveils how machine intelligence will reshape corporate structures, leadership, human resources, and strategic processes. Gain insights on adapting your organization's structure and culture for the AI era, and maintaining a competitive edge as work itself evolves in the age of advanced AI.

AI Startup Showcase

The AI Startup Showcase will feature talks, product demos and Q&A sessions with leaders from five Silicon Valley AI startups.

The Singularity Is Nearer: A Fireside Chat with Ray Kurzweil

Ray Kurzweil

Join Singularity co-founder and renowned inventor and futurist, Ray Kurzweil, to discuss his anticipated new book, "The Singularity Is Nearer: When We Merge With AI." This session offers a unique opportunity to gain insights into Kurzweil's latest work. His new book delves into topics such as the exponential growth of AI, radical life extension, merging human intelligence with the cloud, and the potential risks and rewards of emerging technologies. This is your chance to learn directly from one of the most influential thinkers of our time.

How does this event complement our Executive Program?

Singularity’s flagship Executive Program (EP) is an intensive 5 day immersion workshop in exponential thinking and technology. While some portion of the Executive Program curriculum spans Artificial Intelligence, this event is designed to complement and expand on those themes. Alumnus of the Executive Program would make ideal candidates for this event.

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Frequently asked questions

What makes this program different from other AI programs offered by MIT, Harvard, etc?
Are there any requirements to attend this program?
How long will I get access to this content?
Are there discounts, non-profit rates, or scholarships available?
Can I purchase the recordings for my organization?