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Exponential Technologies

AI Deep Dive Program

A one-day program designed to give your team a high-impact overview of how AI is driving disruption in your industry

Program Overview

From Singularity’s Exponential Technologies track, the “Age of AI” program provides a high-impact overview of how AI is driving disruption, emphasizing a linear-to-exponential mindset shift, and empowering participants to navigate uncertainty by taking action to future-proof organizations in the face of accelerating technological advancement.


This one-day program is designed for an in-person audience, blending expert sessions and hands-on application.

Themes & Topics

The morning focuses on building knowledge about the accelerating AI landscape and resulting implications for industry, and the afternoon will transition to a workshop focused on applying new insights to their own organizational context by building an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Strategic Canvas.






Objectives & Outcomes:

The program’s learning objectives are to:

  • Build a broad understanding of how AI technologies are accelerating and converging.
  • Discover the current and future disruptive potential of AI, with an emphasis on cutting-edge use cases.
  • Learn approaches for how to drive value creation through AI-fueled innovation.
  • Considering future scenarios, identify and prioritize the resulting opportunities. 
  • Consider the challenges of leadership in the age of AI and how to respond

Expected outcomes of this program include:

  • Shift your team’s mindset and create urgency for change. 
  • Identify a compelling AI value proposition and prioritize use cases for the organization’s strategic context.
  • Support leaders’ new mindsets and future savvy by guiding them to imagine. opportunities created by AI-fueled technological disruption.


All sessions included are draft and dependent on Client approval and Expert availability. Interactive elements will be added into the agenda, in partnership with the facilitator, after sessions are selected. 

Request Info
DAY 01


Introduction to Exponentials


Focus: Singularity Foundations, with a spotlight on AI developments and use cases

Humanity has seen more progress in science and technology in the last 40 years than the previous 4000. Within the last generation, we have discovered the role that exponential growth plays in driving progress forward. We're making exponential advances in computing technologies, communication infrastructures, artificial intelligence, biotechnologies and more. Tools that were only available to the wealthiest research labs are being democratized such that small teams the world over, can now accomplish what only governments and corporations could do just 15 years ago. Our understandings of the past are no longer sufficient to inform us about where we are headed as a species.

The Democratization of AI


Focus: Technology

Artificial intelligence (AI) is not just a future possibility, it is here now, and in use all around us.  Whether your interest is commercial or humanitarian (or both), understanding these technologies, their drivers, and their future trajectories will be key. Those that understand the technology can benefit from it and lead to its responsible use; those that don’t understand it, will be dragged along helplessly. This session will cover the following topics:

  • What is AI and how is it worming its way into everything? Examples and trends.
  • The hidden drivers of AI (Computing power, Data, Learning algorithms, Cloud)
  • The past and future waves of AI (Rational, Analytical, Cognitive, Creative, Embodied, Aware)
  • How to responsibly innovate in AI (data assets, identifying opportunities, effective pilots, ethics

Generative Artificial Intelligence: The Third Wave of Digital Disruption


Focus: Technology

In the ‘90s, the consumer web transformed digital content. In the ‘00s, social media transformed how we share digital content.  Now, we're in a third wave of digital disruption as generative artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming content creation. From photorealistic images by DALL-E 2 to intelligent conversations with ChatGPT, the daily emergence of new tools demonstrates an exponential explosion of AI capability. You are likely asking: Where is generative AI headed? How can I leverage these advances and stay competitive within a constantly evolving landscape? Where do I begin?

Based on 15 years of experience helping organizations pursue the intelligent design of AI applications, participants will gain insight into how these algorithms work, why the explosion in generative AI is occurring now, how to position organization(s) to harness the power of these advances, and what the future looks like for creation of digital media. 

This session lays out a simple framework for identifying problems that can be fixed with these new tools with examples of organizations already making the leap.  The session concludes by having participants “unpack the black box” to identify immediate opportunities for their organizations to leverage generative AI, and then guides them to map their ambitions to an executable roadmap.

Building your AI Strategic Canvas (Workshop) 


Focus: Application 

After learning deep insights into trends in AI that will shape our present and future world, it's time to identify actionable steps to take next. In this interactive workshop, you'll synthesize the core ideas you've received, develop new perspectives on risks and opportunities facing your organization with respect to AI implementation, and shape these insights into strategies you can implement in your industry, your organization, and your personal life.


DAY 02
DAY 03
DAY 03
DAY 03
DAY 03

Introduction to Exponentials

(presented by facilitator)

Thinking exponentially is core to everything we teach at Singularity, this means that we start with showing how each year the power and/or speed of technology is doubling and/or the cost is dropping by half. Getting into the mindset of thinking exponentially is a fundamental first step for projecting into the future. During this session participants will not just understand the basic definition of exponential growth, but dive into its implications, and shift from a linear way of thinking to an exponential one.

We typically overestimate growth in the short term, and underestimate it in the long term due to the deceptive nature of exponential growth. Because computational technologies (including artificial intelligence, biotechnologies, advanced manufacturing, and more) progress exponentially, its growth and adoption can be surprising. As these technologies continue to democratize, access to use them becomes more widespread and more and more people, companies, and industries will have a role to play in how they’re leveraged.This session will prepare you for thinking about these growth patterns, how they apply to your industry, and what role you can play in their use.

Creating Impact in an Exponential world

The world around us is changing at an exponential pace. From climate change to water to hunger, global issues are becoming more challenging and growing faster than traditional organizations are able to manage. What does it mean to create impact in this new environment? And how can you, as one of today's most capable leaders, define your own massive transformative purpose?

DAY 03