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Peter Xing

Data & AI Specialist in the Public Sector team at Microsoft
  • Location
  • Area of Expertise
    Biotechnology, Mixed Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Distributed Ledger Technology, Transformation
  • Type

Peter is a Data & AI Specialist in the Public Sector team at Microsoft, focusing on accelerating data, analytics and AI adoption on Azure for the education industry and government departments. This includes Azure OpenAI, Azure Databricks, Fabric, and Cosmos DB.

Peter co-founded Transhumanism Australia, a venture studio and community that works on accelerating projects for the global transhumanism movement with initiatives like Transhuman Coin, the official currency of the transhumanism movement. Transhuman Coin is a token dedicated to the transhumanism movement to fund R&D into science and technologies that extend our healthy human lifespans, enhance our intelligence, and improve our wellbeing.

Peter is also an Expert at Singularity Group on transhumanism and emerging technologies, Advisor at WAVIA (formerly SingularityU Australia) on impact investments, and previously worked as a Global Director on emerging technology initiatives at KPMG and Deloitte to help organisations navigate and flourish in these unprecedented times of accelerating change and disruption.


Our Transhuman Future
Post-Pandemic: AI and Automation Accelerating Our Abundant Future
Super-Intelligent Organisations: Business Models For The AI Era
The Future of Money
The iPhone 20: What Will Smart Devices Look Like in 2029?
The Platform Wars: How Competing Software, Hardware, and Ideology Could Accelerate Existing Divisions in Humanity into the Future
The Promise & Perils Of The Metaverse
Tokenizing Your Business as a Movement: Transhuman Coin as a Case Study
Wise Mirror - Designing Utopias Features